I’m the son of German-American parents. Both were wonderful, multi-faceted human beings. But they taught me that whatever I did, no matter how well I may have done it, I could have done better. Those lessons have served me well in many ways. They helped instill self-discipline. They helped me get a first-rate education. They helped me become a good, thoughtful, thorough writer and designer.
It helped shape me into a generally honest and unassuming man whom, if he were someone else,
I think I might admire.
Those lessons were also about modesty. Stay out of the spotlight; don’t promise what you might not be able to deliver; let your deeds speak for themselves. This part of it too, while somewhat more subjective, helped shape me into a generally honest and unassuming man whom, if he were someone else, I think I might admire.
But such an upbringing also has a down side. I live with a little voice—a very persistent little voice—that constantly provides me with critical feedback on just about everything I do. More often than not, that feedback sounds something like, Okay, sure, you accomplished that, but let’s not go and get all self-satisfied about it. How could you have done it better? What are you going to do next?

This is clearly the voice of someone else, not me—perhaps that of my parents; maybe of my older brother, who's afflicted by the same self-criticism and whom I idolized as a kid.
Sometimes, especially on the tennis court, the encouraging voice starts to turn a little more negative. Well, yes, you’re hitting some good shots, but what about all those absolutely horrible ones?
Even though my parents were seldom overtly critical and certainly never denigrated me, I’ve managed to throw in some mean language of my own, eventually turning that measured tennis voice downright abusive. You idiot! You just missed a shot a three-year-old would have made! Can’t you do even the simplest thing right? Does that sound familiar?

A couple of years ago, I was having coffee with a friend who’s in the business of helping organizations and their employees get in touch with the spiritual aspects of what they do and what they want to do. I told him of my negative self-talk and how it was stifling my enjoyment of tennis.
He mentioned that one of his clients had decided to engage his self-critical inner voice in a conversation. He’d even transcribed the dialog as it played out to see what he might learn from it.
I decided to try it.
I was amazed at how surely and naturally my
own voice and, even more amazingly, the other voice, started to flow.
You can imagine how lame it felt sitting down with pen and paper and actually venturing an introduction between me, myself and I. At first, it felt like the entities I was introducing were in different rooms. But I was amazed at how surely and naturally my own voice and, even more amazingly, the other voice, started to flow.

No, my silent dialog with myself felt, from the very first exchange, like an honest, unscripted, real conversation. I would say (and scribble across my legal pad) something spontaneous, just like what I might say to someone with whom I felt I could become good friends. And the response always came instantaneously, seemingly without the slightest conscious thought or device of my own mind.
Long story short, since then my alter ego and I have had many rewarding conversations. We’ve agreed that he doesn’t mean to hurt me or make me unhappy. He acknowledges that, being an amalgam of my parents, my brother and possibly a couple of other important figures in my life, of course he loves me and, in fact, wants me to be happy.
I acknowledge my tendency toward frustration and defeatism. He admits to tormenting me sometimes, as an impudent teenager might, simply because he can.
As for tennis, we’ve struck a sort of meet-you-halfway deal. If he’ll back off on the criticism, I promised, I’ll try to do better at appreciating and celebrating my small successes. Often, on my way to the tennis center, I’ll remind him of his end of the bargain and he reassures me he’ll be good.
Recently, I’ve even upped the ante and gotten him to agree that, while the absence of criticism is certainly welcome, maybe he could try a little actual praise on for size. So far, this is proving quite hard for him.
After all, he rationalizes, he’s never had a very good role model. Oh, give me a break!
This is a dialogue we all have to have at some point if we want to enjoy and even move ahead in our lives. As a painter and a poet, I realized that if I didn't tame this beast, he would keep me out of the studio----and he didn't even mind having me clean my whole house rather than facing a painting that I was struggling with. I finally figured out that the struggle was really only the process that I needed to go through to make a beautiful painting and that every knife or brush stroke I added during that time was totally necessary in order for the final result to be whatever it was. I even wrote a poem called The Critic which describes the inner critic as an intrusion, much like the stinger a bee leaves behind after stinging someone----and it will continue to leak venom into that person until THEY PULL IT OUT! Good post!
Hi Jean -- Thanks for sharing your experience with your inner critic. I love the analogy of a bee's stinger.
Is your poem to be found anywhere on the web? If so, would you please reply with a link to it?
I appreciate your stopping by here, and hope you'll come back...and share. Thanks!
Another approach in dealing with such voices is to listen with an open heart to what is being said. However,yes, do not believe in the voice. One can say thank you the moment a voice is delivered and to directly replace what is being said with a wholesome more positively oriented statement... or an image or story that you are in the process of aligning your self with. One can say that your subconscious has a virus or an alternate unfulfilled program of doubt.
However, with the voice consciously identified as it arises, a new program or thought instillation can consciously replace the old voice through the mere intention of making it so.
Another option is to bless or forgive or say I love you when such thoughts arise. In your mind then you can say that such a word when issued means... thank you but no thank you. I received the message and you can go back to source or back into your core of your being... but now in a neutral state. Its as if you then become a dream catcher and you recollect unresolved thoughts and energies back into your greater essence giving you greater power to use towards manifesting your dreams in the current moment.
Hi Bernie -- I know what you mean about what you call the "program of doubt." If I hear what you're saying, one has to gradually reprogram it. I found that my little chats with my alter ego have helped me know how best to do that.
As always, thanks for sharing your wisdom here, my friend!
Freen: One of your most endearing qualities has always been your wonderful sense of humor and your ability to see the irony and silliness in so many of life's situations. I'm sure that you and your alter ego had many good laughs as you were exploring your inner self. Nevertheless, I need to tell you that you've done such an impressive thing in doing this website for so long that I now feel compelled to say to you (because it wasn't only your parents or your brother who demanded perfection from you, it was me, too) that this website is excellent and outstanding and could not, under any conceivable circumstances be any better. Great work........ Take a look at all of you past posts, and tell your alter ego to get a life!!
Best always,
OMG! Chas, my dear old friend, you've just made my day! And that other guy inside my head? He just covered his eyes and won't even look.
Seriously, you can't imagine how much I appreciate your supportive words. Today's post is my 216th -- even I'm impressed at how much I have to say! I do think some of my posts have been good; others, not so much.
BTW, my book's due for release in Oct. and you're in it! (if that doesn't get you to order a dozen, I don't know what will ;-)
Many thanks, Chas. Be wonderful!
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