If you've found your way to this page,
welcome! You're about to become a full-fledged member of an amazing little club, a community of thoughtful folks of all ages and persuasions who want to see life, to experience this awesome world, through the eyes of a five-year-old.

Members not only open their senses, hearts, minds and spirits to those child-like
Wow! moments, but—and here's where your initiation comes in—you're willing to share one of those experiences with the rest of us.
Just click on "_comments" below, and type away!
Don't worry, no one's scoring your comment. You're among friends. All that matters is that you were paying attention and that you were moved. Everyone can relate to that.

We're especially anxious to hear about small wonders that found you because you did something extraordinary to make yourself ready—waited a bit longer, saw from a fresh point of view, turned something over to see what lived under it, picked out one member of a flock, swarm or school and watched just that one individual...you get the idea.
Besides being read by my fabulous followers, sharing your
Wow! moment will put you in the running for inclusion in a special
One Man's Wonder blog post or maybe even a future edition of my book,
Under the Wild Ginger – A Simple Guide to the Wisdom of Wonder.
So...please, just
click on "_ comments" below, and share your favorite
Wow! moment.
Thank you!
Wow upside down is Mom. All Mothers or feminine aspects of our deeper selves give birth to new creations. Each new mom creation therefore is a wow moment in a reflective universe.
Bernie - Thanks for being the first of what I hope will be many contributors to this collection of Wow! moments.
So clever...and so true!
A ho-hum world is analogous then to a yin-yang world. Most people either identify strictly with yin or with yang... creating an out of balance polarizing position where one then seeks the opposite in an attempt to complete themselves. However, completion is achieved by reaching the center point of ho and hum or yin or yang or see or saw by integrating both halves within back into the whole of Oneness.
The WoW moment for me would be the moment I realized it is OK to stomp in the puddles and dance in the rain at the age of 45.
Many thanks for the comment, Andy. Good for you for letting your inner five-year-old out to play now and then!
I'm glad you found your way to One Man's Wonder -- hope you'll come back (and share if you're so moved).
BTW, I like your blog (AugiesAdventures.com) and have left a comment there.
The WOW moments for me are when the co-incidents pile up during a day and I just am awed...there are no accidents and the more I recognize this - the more they happen. I especially love when the chills go up and down my spine, telling me 'Yes'...
Thanks for sharing your WOW! moment Jan. Isn't it amazing how those same co-incidents might happen to someone else who'd completely miss their significance? Good for you for being open to serendipity and awe! Makes life a whole lot more interesting, doesn't it?
(Of course it helps that you work and create with living wonders every day!)
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