During this season of generosity swirling with obligation, of simple joy made sad by unmet expectation, of grateful abundance diminished by addictive excess, I'm trying on, once more, the baggy coat of acceptance, a garment whose fit depends on not its own but the wearer's measure.

What do you need to accept or let go of to let the simple, joyous spirit of the holidays wrap comfortably around you?
the ego.. the status quo ... one's expectations... fear... judgement... negativity.... the false or little self.... self doubt.... other peoples points of view... to be replaced by one's dream... one's highest good... one's vision of truth... where one is in alignment with that which has been invited... to accept what is before us in both the physical and non physical...to love life and all its countless variations...
Keep on Exploring the latest and greatest Niches....
Thanks, Bern. Those are all worthy candidates for letting go. It seems like you and Stacey are well on your way to that kind of surrender. May the path rise up to meet you...
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