I believe I'm surrounded by wonders great and small, all the time, wherever I am.
I understand that many of those miracles lie hidden to first glances.
I will open my spirit to wonder. My eyes, my ears, my heart will follow.
I will turn off the television, put down the book and start looking, learning and living first-hand.
I will decide for myself what entertains me and, more importantly, what nourishes my soul.
I will notice and celebrate the power of presence.
I will carefully examine the myth of certainty, and value learning more than knowing.
I will be more aware of the miracle of grace that resides around and within every person.
I will shine the light of my own spirit, and will give other people the chance to shine too.
I will try to experience everything as if it were for the first time.

I will be patient, not just with Nature, but with myself, celebrating small steps in the right direction.
I will seize every opportunity to help a screen-bound child reconnect with Nature.

Love Love LOVE it Jeffery!! This is beautiful:)!! A VERY Happy 2012 to you and your loved ones:)!!
And to you and yours as well, Daisy! And here's to new, meaningful connections in your growing on-line community of positive-thinking lovers of life!!
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